KCCNC NA 2023 breezes into Chicago. Here’s what we did

Earlier this year we delivered the master creative for another Kubecon + Cloudnativecon North America. The theme was inspired by Chicago’s classic architecture, a retro look to the future and the autumnal energy that flows through the famous windy city.
We wanted to dive into history of the city and America’s invention of the future across generations. Taking inspiration from vintage futurism and architecture of Chicago
Here’s what we did
- Event master creative
- Venue branding support
- T-shirts and merch
- Post event report design and production

The final roll out
The final artwork was deployed with a brighter, more neon palette, moving away from the autumn look and feel for something more vibrant and bold. The events team introduced the concept of floating sphere’s around the venue to mirror the curved, art deco concept. Overall it was a successful execution and another high quality theme for Cloud Native Computing Foundation’s / Linux Foundation’s flagship event.

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